Java Diagram Component : A Fast & Flexible Swing Diagram Component
Current Version 1.0.1
This package is 100% pure Java(tm) designed
for use with a 1.3 or better JRE. It has been released under the
GPL license. The package implements a Swing component that enables
the creation of many types of diagram, flowcharts or similar tools.
Its designed to be very fast and flexible. The diagram component
itself is similar to the JTable in that both components are designed
to allow new renderer and editor components to be written to customize
its behavoir and appearance easily. The diagram component should
be a useful additi on to many applications.
This component fits into the Swing hierarchy
very naturally. Drawing and editing behavoirs can be changed easily
by creating new Components and registering them with an existing
Diagram object. Any type of data can be associated with figurins
in the diagram, making it easy to adapter a number of purposes.
Speed and flexibily are very important for creating
a Component such as this in order to maximize its usability. Every
effort has been made to enhance the performance of this Component;
which is already faster than other similar Components. Hopefully
this Component as a whole will be improved even further with you
Currently, this project is packaged with an
example program that demonstates one application of the diagram
component. It is a simle UML tool called QuickUML. It supports a
very basic UML syntax, and very simple code generation. If this
example matures into a more complete tool I will migrate it to its
own project.